Sweating it off – Why and how to exercise with atrial fibrillation?
After being diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, many feel concerned about whether and how to exercise. How to avoid the most common pitfalls and safely enjoy an active life? We listed four common questions that arise about atrial fibrillation and exercise.
4 things to consider before meeting with a healthcare professional about atrial fibrillation
Did you know there is a lot you can prepare in advance to get the most out of your appointment? To help you prepare for the visit, we gathered information that could prove useful to you and your physician.
How’s your heart doing? Why regular monitoring pays off
How many times per day do you stop and think about your heart? The chances are, if it’s not causing you any symptoms, very rarely. However, taking just one minute per day to listen to your heart can pay off big time. Here’s why.
Coffee, salt, alcohol… What do we know about lifestyle choices and the risk of atrial fibrillation?
Coffee, salt, alcohol… We gathered essential but modifiable lifestyle factors that impact your risk of getting atrial fibrillation, and what scientific evidence says about them.
5 risk factors for atrial fibrillation and how to tackle them
In atrial fibrillation, your heart twitches rapidly, out of rhythm, unable to pump blood into the blood vessels properly. You might feel out of breath, fatigued – or nothing at all. According to estimates, up to one in four of individuals aged over 40 years will get atrial fibrillation at some point of their life.
Video: One minute of stillness, to protect a lifetime of moments
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